Software Testing in iOS

About This Project

Software Testing in iOS

1. Testing concepts – theory
a. Why bother about testing?
b. Testing levels: Unit, Integration, System
c. Approaches to testing: Static VS Dynamic, White Box VS Black Box
d. Other types of testing (Functional VS Non-functional, Regression,
Smoke, etc.)
2. TDD and Unit Testing in iOS
a. TDD – concepts
b. TDD VS ReverseTDD
c. XCTest framework -> XCTestCase class and its capabilities
d. 3A – Arrange / Act / Assert
e. Mocking in ObjC VS Mocking in Swift
3. UI Testing in iOS
a. Testing appearance -> FBSnapshotTestCase
b. Testing interaction -> UI Testing in Xcode 7
c. XCUIElement, XCUIElementQuery and related classes
d. XCUIApplication
e. Preparing app data for UI Testing
4. Continuous Integration
a. Software Configuration Management and Continuous Integration
in theory
b. xcodebuild
c. Code Coverage in Xcode 7
d. Code Coverage reports using Slather